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Discover the Harmony of Nature

Sustainable Vanilla Cultivation and Melipona Bee Colonization in Ecuador's Enchanting Upper Amazon.

Empowering Women and Preserving Biodiversity.

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Discover the Harmony of Nature

Sustainable Vanilla Cultivation and Melipona Bee Colonization in Ecuador's Enchanting Upper Amazon.

Empowering Women and Preserving Biodiversity.

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Women Empowered to Protect the Amazon

Chakramama, is a non-profit foundation empowering indigenous women in Ecuador’s upper Amazon to cultivate vanilla and colonize an endanger melipona bee, to collectively make a positive impact on preserving this invaluable natural treasure for future generations.


The Little Orchid that Could…

Save the Amazon

V.odorata, a beautiful endemic vanilla orchid from Ecuador’s upper Amazon, shows substantial promise to bring much needed prosperity to the native communities of the Amazon region as well as generate resources to help maintain and preserve their natural world, the planet’s greatest rainforest.

Ethically - Responsibly - Fairly Produced and Traded

Sustainable Vanilla Cultivation

Chakramama provides women with training and technical assistance in sustainable vanilla cultivation, enabling them to create a viable and profitable livelihood.

Melipona Bee Colonization

Chakramama protects the endangered Melipona bee population in the Amazon by providing educational resources to indigenous women, promoting sustainable beekeeping practices.

Investment in the Amazon's future

Supporting sustainable financial projects that keep the rainforest vital and thriving through private and public sector investments.

Get Involved
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Follow Us

Chakramama - fundation, Ecuador

Chakramama Foundation
California Non-profit 501 (c)(3)
